Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I was listening to a podcast from Erwin R. McManus of Mosaic Church, LA, this morning about living the original life, meaning living what God has called you to be, since each of us has been uniquely designed to fulfill a part in the love story of God that is the history of mankind. Anyway, one of the things McManus talked about was fear.
Often times we are afraid that we will make large efforts for God and discover that we don't have what it takes. We find out that what we feared the most in the depths of our souls is true...we are nothing. We are incapable of doing great things because we are mediocre.
Other times, however, we are afraid of what we can do. God did not make us so that he could laugh at us trying things and failing. God created each of us in His image, and therefore we are capable of doing great things. All of us have a great calling on our lives, but most of us never seek out that call and accept what it means for us. So many of us are afraid that if we step up and step out into whatever great thing is waiting to be done, then we will be shunned and socially excommunicated because we rocked the boat.
I see both of those fears in my life. As far back as I can remember, I have sometimes felt as though I could never be good enough, that I was always the one screwing things up, and that, even at my best, I would never amount to more than average. Also, as far back as I can remember, I know that there have been times that I have hidden my talents, performed as though I weren't talented at some things so that others wouldn't feel like I was cocky, or so that people wouldn't expect more from me.
Today, my commitment is that I not live in these fears. I know that I have been created for a purpose (Jer. 1:5), even if that purpose has not been completely revealed to me yet, and that God has granted me the capability to fulfill that purpose in His strength. Yes, God's strength shows in my weakness, but God is not glorified when I choose to live a mediocre life. I know that God has given me talents and abilities. He has given me intellect and (somewhat) likable personality (most of the time); He has given me the ability to succeed in many areas of my life (even if I have not taken advantage of those abilities and successes). I will not fear that others will feel badly about themselves because I am seeking to live a great life. I will not fear that if I attempt great things for God, then I will fail miserably. Even if I fail, at least I tried, and I know that God honors obedience, not success. I commit that my academic life, my work life, and especially my home life will be lived out in such a way that others will see and God will ignite a passion in them to live out such a life. I will not apologize for being the man God created me to be, and I will not go silently before the ones who try to silence God's call to greatness in my life.

Lord, help me to be all that You have created me to be. Give me courage to face my fears and strength to overcome them. Raise up in me the passion and desire to daily become more Christlike in every aspect of my life and to be unapologetic about it. Amen.

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