Tuesday, July 10, 2007

First Instincts

When I was a lifeguard, the people I worked with and I trained long and hard to make sure we knew what to do in case of almost any type of emergency. We studied first aid and practiced different procedures to help us save the lives of others. After all of the training and hard work, it became instinctive for us to act and react according to our training.
The Christian walk is the same way. I want to seek Christ with all of me. I want to be so close to Him that, when I'm faced with situation, I INSTINCTIVELY know what to do, because I know what Jesus would have me do. I want my first instinct to not be the one my flesh wants, but the one my spirit, fueled by His Spirit, wants for me.
Father, draw me closer to You every day. Help me to react in such a way that would honor You and bring You glory. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Bless you! You are inspirational!

Leon said...

What you said here fully reflects what my heart has been yearning for of God lately. Thank you for posting it.
God Bless!