Monday, September 17, 2007

The Church is a Whore

"The Church is a whore, but she is my mother." - St. Augustine
I quoted this line before when I was pulling out quotes from Shane Claiborne's Irresistible Revolution. Lately, I've been thinking about that line, and some things have occurred to me.
The Church, as a whole and as individual members, has sold itself to the things of this world. Personally, I have never cheated on my wife, but I can't say that I haven't cheated on my Bridgegroom. I must admit that I have whored myself to complacency, I have whored myself to busyness, and I have whored myself to laziness. Thank God that He is loving and forgiving. His grace keeps on flowing...amazing, isn't it? My Bridegroom, no matter how many times I whore myself out to other things and take my focus off of Him, is always willing to welcome me home, into His arms.
Thank You, God, for your grace, love, and forgiveness, which never cease. Thank You for opening Your arms to me, no matter how many times I have turned away. Amen.


The Way She Thinks said...

Whew!!! What an excellent way of bringing this into a very REAL focus of us as the church turning our backs on our Bridegroom over and over. Love you!

Anonymous said...

So honest and truthful, about most of us. Thank you so much for your ministry and sharing.