Saturday, November 24, 2007

Summerville Is Going To State

Summerville High School (my alma mater) beat Gaffney last night, which means they're heading to the state championship next weekend to face Byrnes. I know Byrnes is a major powerhouse team and that they've been nationally ranked several years running, but I've been waiting for several years to see a showdown between Summerville and Byrnes. It's going to be a good game.



Anonymous said...

Yes, Summerville beat a major powerhouse to get to the state. Byrnes whipped them in the state championship Hal :(

Eudoxus said...

So, Summerville did lose to Byrnes. In fact, Byrnes really destroyed Summerville and took the state title with no problem. I admit that Byrnes deserves it, and that they earned it. I still maintain, however, that Summerville has the best program over time, considering they've been a powerhouse in the state for over 50 years. Congratulations, Byrnes.