Wednesday, November 28, 2007

SOnTheM 06

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." Matthew 5:7

The object of this mercy is not specific because this mercy is universal, regardless of the situation. Max Lucado wrote "Without forgiveness, bitterness is all that is left." Are you harboring bitterness towards another? Have you been merciful and forgiving? I find that most of the time I can't say that I have been. Most of the time, even if it just goes on in my heart and head, it is hard to forgive someone...I mean to truly forgive them. It's hard to totally, completely, be merciful to others regardless of the circumstances. I think this goes back to the steps that these beatitudes show: once you have admitted that you are poor in spirit, are mournful over your sins and others, long for true righteousness, then you will be able to be merciful, for then you will more concerned with the state of the other person's heart than the state of your pride and the pain you've felt. The meek are the merciful. Being meek means admitting that you are a sinner; being merciful means having compassion because you understand that others are sinners, too. Does that ring a bell with anyone else? It does with me.

Your reward for being merciful is that you will receive mercy. Sometimes others will give you mercy, and sometimes they won't, but God will always be merciful to those who are merciful.

May you be merciful today. Better yet, may you seek out ways to be merciful, even to those who have done you no harm, and may God shower his mercy on you even more than He has already done.

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