Thursday, March 19, 2009


Sarah's home! Woohoo!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bachin it, Day 4

Today was an up and down day.

- I woke up 45 minutes late. Considering I normally get to work an hour and a half before school starts, it wasn't that big of a deal, but I hate being late.

- I gave blood at school today. Since I'm a universal donor, they wanted me to donate two units instead of one. No problem for me. When you do two units, though, they hook you up to a machine that draws your blood, separates the parts (red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma), and then puts back what it isn't using. So, 5 minutes of drawing blood, 5 minutes of a saline solution going back into my body. Took a little longer, but wasn't bad at all.

- At the end of the school day, Mr. Brown (my principal) called me down to his office. Guess what...I'll have a job next year. Woohoo!

- The best part about today, though, is that it's the day before Thursday, and Sarah comes home on Thursday!!!

I'm about to head to bed...still not sleeping well.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bachin It, Day 2

Day 2
- Woke up after not sleeping well
- Went to work
- Went to the store to get sugar to make tea
- Cleaned up paint chips in the garage because I've been too lazy to do it in the last month
- Sat on the couch and watched TV
- Going to bed soon

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Sad

Today was one of those good-bad days.

The Good Part - Sarah and I got paid this past week. That means its tithing time. Today, we tithed to Beach Church for the first time. We've been sending our tithe back to Crossroads to continue to support that ministry while we sought a new church home to get involved in. That's finally happened. The reason this is the good part is because we finally feel like we're becoming a part of something here in Myrtle Beach. Anyone can attend a church, but contributing is a different thing (actually, we're commanded to contribute, not just attend).

The Bad Part - Sarah has Chick-fil-A training in Atlanta this week. That means that this afternoon, I had to take her to the airport and leave her there (because you can't get through security unless you have a plane ticket). I cried when walking back to the car, and I'm not afraid to admit it. Sarah and I don't do well apart from each other for long periods of time. So, I'm baching (bacheloring) it this week. It's not fun, but it's a necessity. C'est la vie.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Time Flies

So, it's been almost a month since I've posted anything at all. What can I say, I'm the world's worst blogger. (Okay, maybe not the worst, but I'm definitely not good at it.)

Sarah and I went to the upstate a couple of weeks ago to visit family and celebrate my dad's birthday. Last weekend our friends Alex and Jenn came down here to visit us. They're moving to Vermont soon. This weekend, thankfully, we're not doing anything. Sarah and I are just going to relax and relax some more. That's the plan anyway. I'm sure something will come up.