Saturday, August 2, 2008


Man, I am pooped. I've had a lot of tiring weeks in the past few years, but this one was one of the worst. Don't take that the wrong way. It has been an awesome week, but an extremely tiring one.
Here's the rundown from the past few days:

This week was VBS at Crossroads. The theme was PowerLab, and it was totally awesome. Everything about it was done with excellence, of which I am always a fan. Kids were impacted for Christ, and those kids respondedly way beyond expectation to the challenges they were given, which included raising money for kids in Brazil and school supplies and soccer balls for kids in Mexico.

Every night this week from Sunday to Friday I was at the church running tech and helping set up and close down.

This week was also my last week of grad school. I only had one class this term, but it was Probability and Statistics, which isn't any easy class during a regular semester, and only gets worse during a term that only lasts 3 weeks. My final was on Thursday. I am not sure what I made on the final, but I got an A- in the class, so I can't complain.

And what else occupied my time, you may ask. Well, that one's easy: I've been packing to move to Myrtle Beach, of course. For those of you who don't know, Sarah has been down there since July 1 working, so we've been apart for 5 weeks, which isn't cool at all. Of course, being this close to moving only makes it worse, because the suspense is even greater.

So, this is where I stand right now...tomorrow I'll head down to MB for orientation on Monday, then come back on Tuesday, and take one last, huge load next weekend to finish the move and start to settle in to Horry County.

The last two years have been a lot of the same...working at church, working at Home Depot, and taking classes. Next week, I start a new adventure. I'll be working one job, won't be taking any classes (at least not for a while), and I'll get to spend some quality time with my awesome wife. By Thanksgiving, we'll be in our new house and hopefully settled, and then, well, who knows what will come next. All I know is that it's going to be good. How do I know? Because I am confident in the calling that Sarah and I have received to move to Myrtle Beach, so I know that His plan for us there, however scary, risky, and dangerous, is the best place for us to be.

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