Friday, February 8, 2008

Student Teaching

So this week I started student teaching at Mauldin High School. I'm excited about it. It should be great fun and pretty educational. Hopefully, over the next three months, I won't get freaked out too much and decide not to teach (Sarah would kill me!). Pray for me as I start this new endeavor. Thanks.


Bill said...

Congratulations! You are a great teacher and will do wonderful. The kids will love you and learn from your strength! After all you have been teaching this old guy for many months, now! But, I will send up prayers for your strength and confidence!

J.E. said...

What's up Hal???I ran accross your blog today as I surfed the web via Jay Hardwick's page... Teaching is the best profession ever... I am in my 6th year and I LOVE IT!! Best of luck to ya man... Check out my blog sometime...