Friday, December 7, 2007

SOnTheM 11

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salt again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." Matthew 5:13

Salt is common substance. In Jesus' time, it was even more common, because they used it for much more than we use it for today. It was used to flavor foods (as it is today), as a preservative, and even as a fertilizer. Salt slowed decay in meat, so it was used with food to make it last longer. Looking at this from a chemistry standpoint, salt cannot lose its saltiness. It will always be salty. The way they got salt back then, however, could result in a salty residue which was not useful for anything. Anyway, you and I, as Christ-followers, are called to a purpose. In fact, the very fact that we are Christ-followers gives us this purpose. So, if we are not fulfilling our purpose, then we are doing no good, and should be (although God is merciful and forgiving and loving and often chooses not to do so) thrown the wolves of this world.

Therefore, retain your saltiness! Fulfill the purpose for which you were created. And remember...SALT IRRITATES!!!

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