Friday, December 21, 2007

Life is a stage...

This morning I was at Productions, Unlimited picking up a bulb for a spotlight at the church, and I saw a sign they had above one of the doors that read, "If life is a stage, I want better lighting." For those of you who don't know, Productions Unlimited specializes in stage lighting, so that makes sense. On a different level, though, don't we all feel like this sometimes? Don't we all wish that we could have better lighting to see more of what is in front of us and to our left and right? I know I do. The truth is, however, that we usually don't get the chance to see what's any farther than one step ahead of us.
Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." A light to my feet, not to what is in front of my feet, but on my feet. God gives us just enough to take the next step. Just enough for us to say, "Okay, I'm taking this step of faith, and I'll deal with the next step when I get there." I think there are a couple of reasons God works this way, although I'm sure I could never figure out exactly why God does anything the way He does, because He is God and I am not. Anyway, if we knew the ten steps, or five steps, or even the next two steps, then the next step wouldn't require faith, because we'd know what was coming. Another reason, I think, is because if God were to show us just what He has in store for us, we'd freak out. He has so much more planned for us than we could even imagine, so He shows us just enough for us to get moving in faith toward the goals that He has already placed on us.
Here's a challenge for you: sometime in the future, when you're in a very safe area, take a walk at night where there aren't any street lights, and take a flashlight with you, but only shine the flashlight at your feet, so you can only see where the next step will take you. I used to do this in college and at Awanita to remind me that God will show me the next step, but very seldom will I get to see what is beyond that. (If you don't live in a safe place, then turn all the lights out in your home and do this.)

May you, today, rely on God to show you your next step, and believe that He will guide you to the one after that when the time is right. Remember, faith in God results in action.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Moving and inspiring, as always!